S. Nzante Spee


Spee was born in Mbem, Cameroon, in 1953. He died in 2005.

Since it is impossible to earn one's livehood in Bamenda by painting. Spee decorades facades, bookshops and post offices. He also makes handcrafted advertising posters and plays guitar in a reggae group.

The Wahdoosee Question
Oil on Canvas
1994. 62 x 47,5cm




Feeling at Home
Oil on Canvas
1995. 41,5 x 27 cm

His style, the melting age, constitutes a pictoral world in which everything crumpls, flows falls apart. Like an impression that the world is ending.




The Urgent State of Emergency Military Paratroopers
Oil on Canvas
1995. 83 x 58 cm










Dernier Championat Mondial de Boxe
Acryl on Canvas
1990.80 x 80 cm


His references: an old illustrated calender and a few postcardes. He long worked in monochrome, since it was difficult to find paint in Bamenda.







David and Goliath
Oil on Canvas
1995. 66 x 92 cm



"The Woodcutter" The destruction of our environment gently destroys us like every cigarette we smoke.
Acryl on Canvas
1995. 61 x 76,5 cm

The French Cultural Center in Yaoundé has facilitated Spee's work by providing him with real canvases, and the entire gamut of brushes and paints.

Artists are not very appreciated in society. We are neglected and even if people do talk about festivals, once they are over the same life starts up all over again



Jean-Christoph Bechet in Revue Noir 1994 No. 13. pp 24.








    Echoes of Music
Oil on Canvas
1994. 75 x 61cm

Le Paradis des Antilopes
Oil on Canvas
1994. 62 x 47,5 cm

The Kora Quartet
Acryl on Canvas
1995. 33,5 x 59,5 cm
The Drummer and the Dancers
Acryl on Canvas
1995. 33,5 x 59,5 cm
The Man, the Women and the Child
Oil on Canvas
1995. 33,5 x 59,5 cm


Music on the Move
Acryl on Canvas
1995. 40 x 49cm





Music Trio Band
Acryl on Canvas
1995. 32 x 50 cm

The Saturday Night Session Band
Acryl on Canvas
1995. 59,5 x 33,5 cm

  Around and Around  
  Groß und Quer  
    Homepage Nzante Spee