Galerie Peter Herrmann


The Short Century - Independence and Liberation Movements in Africa, 1945-1994, Okwui Enwezor, 2001.

496 pages, 30,6 x 25,2 x 3,8 cm.
Hardcover, english: 300 Euro

Enwezor, a Nigerian critic, publisher, and adjunct curator of contemporary art at the Art Institute of Chicago, has assembled a synthesis of the cultural and political record of Africa from 1945 to 1994. The book provides a glimpse into the writings and ideologies that shaped the continent's history and life during the period. With essays, studies, speeches, manifestos, and photographs, the collection examines the impact of the colonial experience on Africa's fine and applied arts. A chronological list of key events and brief biographies of the most influential personalities are provided in the appendix. The volume provides a unique and sincere representation of the cultural and historical quandaries of the entire continent. It also attempts a comprehensive discussion of African modernity. Few single works can boast of coverage as ambitious in breadth and exhaustive in depth.

Delivery in Germany: Euro 4,50
Delivery in Europe:
Euro 8,50

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